Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Anniversary to the world's greatest husband!

 As I reflect over the years, I just find myself asking ... "What have I ever done to deserve a man like Ronnie?"  I never have to worry about him being faithful, looking around, or wanting someone who is far too young for him. He's never had accusations brought him on anything controversial. He's always where he says he is. He has worked to provide for his family since day one at the tender age of 19. He has always been the most selfless man I have ever known. Yes when he said "I do" he definitely DID! He has loved me the way Christ has loved the church, and not just me but my family too, He takes care of my mom and dad just like they were his true flesh and blood. He has gone above and beyond anything I could have ever asked for. It's been 27 years since we've said "I do" and I only wish I could be half the spouse he has been to me. He is most definitely my better half! He has taught me so much and for all these things I am grateful. I look at who we are as today who we  were and I am proud of what we have become. We have no regrets on anything because we feel God has fashioned and planned every step to make us who we are. We love where we are at in our lives. We have three beautiful children and 2 gorgeous granddaughters, a lovely home (which we are about to pay off) and a family that has been there for us through the good, the bad, and the ugly!  LOL  What more could we ask for? God has been good to us! We are blessed! I thank God for seeing us through.

My advice on how to make a marriage work?   God number one has to be in the center. Ronnie and I have learned to pray together. There is nothing more rewarding when you meet in the living room in the evening for prayer with your spouse! It is the sweetest intimacy you will ever have.

A clean house number two. I believe it seriously helps brings comfort and less chaos to the home and I think we owe it to our husbands to provide a peaceful, clean, organized, atmosphere.

Number three Always ALWAYS humble yourselves, Never be afraid to say you were wrong because the Bible says that a soft answer turns  away wrath and also it is important for your children to see humility.

I am sure everyone has their recipe for a good marriage but these are just a couple that have worked for me. I am looking forward to another 27 plus years with my man and hope all of you are as equally happy. Here are some random pics of our life. I love reflecting. Wished I had more older pics downloaded to share. Maybe one day I will get them on here. :)