Friday, March 7, 2014


Today was such a beautiful day! Had a good time tonight visiting with my Uncle Floyd and Aunt Chris. God is really doing something in our family. There is a healing coming on. The love I felt tonight was a healing thing, a God thing. I was so blessed with their love! Also I have recently been reunited with my cousin, Mindy. I have always loved her so very much and went through a dark time and didn't see her, but when we met up all I could do was cry tears of Joy! I am a big family person, I know not everyone is but that is one thing that is HUGE to me and I thank God for what he is doing. In these end times we need each other. So thankful for the ones who are on board and walking the crucified way. "If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another"  We had lovely fellowship tonight because we are all doing our best to walk in the light. Thank you Aunt and Uncle for being so warm, loving, and forgiving. We love you all very much!