Monday, November 18, 2013

The "murfs" were here for 5 days and just left so I had the chance to do their Christmas Portraits. These are just a sneak peek of what I got. Such a gorgeous family!!!!  I love photographing them. Leah and Emery Kate are such a joy. Such innocence. Leah is 6 now and such a sweet little girl. She is not into anything but little girl things such as Dora,  and dolls,  coloring, reading, drawing etc.  She doesn't know anything about Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, or all those Nickelodeon shows. We are not in any hurry for her to grow up. I will never understand why some people feel the urgency to push their little kids into being teen like. I say let them be little and keep them innocent. They are only little once. Emery Kate is now 2 and she is a darling and loves to play with cell phones and look at the pictures on them. She will find her pap paws picture and call him. She also loves her baby dolls and cuddles them. She watches everything her sister does. I am thankful for these little girls and very thankful for their unexpected but oh so joyful trip. They will be back for Christmas for a 2 week visit. We are having a Christmas play and Leah begged me to not have it until she can be here to play one of the angels so I told her I would wait until they are here to have it. She loves Children Church and all the kids in there.  This is the season of gratitude and I am so grateful for my life and my family. I think we can honestly say that we have never been happier. To God be the glory!!!