Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Emery Kate is 2

 Crazy how fast time flies!!! Seems like this little beauty was just born! We had a good time putting this birthday party together. We went with a candy theme and my favorite thing was the cake that Amber made. She is so good at this and when Emery starts kindergarten she is considering going to culinary school but still not completely sure yet. We definitely think she should because she is such a wonderful cook and makes some of the neatest things that not only look good but taste delicious. She is such a good mom and is 100% devoted to these girls. Emery loved her cake and her party. I think she liked the pizza the most or "seatza" as she calls it :)   Love this little girl so much and could just stare at her all day long and never get tired of it! Happy Birthday Emery Kate!!! We all love you VERY much!