Monday, August 19, 2013

Bad News......... Good News.....

Well the bad news is that the Girls are NOT moving here after all...........long story........ but the good news is THEY GOT THE KEY TO THIS HOUSE!!!  They move in on the 27th and it is beautiful. It has an acre of land with a garden and it is 2 stories and over 2000 sq feet. It is really nice and they are looking forward to decorating it and getting settled in. Now the question is......... AM I SAD??? Welllllll I was ......but happiness is a choice and knowing the Lord I have to say that I have peace about it. The Lord has blessed us with being able to see them all the time and I choose to think on the positives......... Joel and Amber are a loving little family doing their best to raise the girls right, he has a magnificent job which includes insurance and nice bonus checks, Amber gets to be a stay at home mom and not have to work and do her cooking and baking and  now have her very own garden, the girls are healthy and happy well adjusted little girls........... I mean what more could I ask for? I thank the Lord for his headship......... I know that it is his will because we had been praying and Amber had been praying and this is how it worked out.  God is in charge not me and I want his way not mine because mine will just mess things up. We will be heading back that way soon to help them get situated. I will post more pics later. Hoping Amber lets me help decorate but she has her own ideas, but maybe she will let me be in charge of just one room   lol

Love to all!