Joshua 10:25 KJV
And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.
I think it is so funny that most people who read this scripture automatically think of "a person" or "people" but let us not forget that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. It is Satan and his brood.
WE have to stand together and defeat the true enemy. The true enemy likes to take the focus off of himself and say "no it is them" or "Look the way they have done you" but I say "Get thee behind me Satan" and I choose to look beyond the faults and see the need.
I love the Lord more today than yesterday and I am so excited about what he is doing!!! Now time to go and get ready to go into the house of the Lord. We are having a revival for the teens and the boys are going and bringing a friend and that = A HAPPY MOM!!! :)
Love to all!!!