Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm in love with my family :)

I hope every one's July 4Th celebration was as good as ours!!! We had such a beautiful day! It could not have been more perfect. I went to Wal-mart and got everyone their own 4Th of July T-shirt and decorated the house, got some hamburger meat, buns, produce, chips, hot links, so that we could have a cook out and some cupcakes for desert. I bought some fresh flowers and had the house all clean and then invited some of our closest family members over. We ate and then tool a load of pictures in our T-shirts and then went swimming. The water was so refreshing. We made beautiful memories. God is so good to give us family. I love my family so much. What a memorable day this was. :)

Our T-shirts

Our new addition to the house sure does come in handy for parties :)

Daddy with his first born grand baby

My Mother and Granny
Me and Ryan. Kyle was asleep and would not wake up lol

My Mother, my best friend! She is one of God's greatest blessing to me :)

Oh how I love these people!

Leah with cousins

This is just what we do when we get together. Humor seems to just follow us around :)

Our wonderful men

Best Friends
Dad with his youngest grandbaby
My wonderful husband who cooks the best burgers ever! I love you Ronnie

Fun times
Me teaching Leah how to swim. She almost has it down :)
Time out for a kiss
My wonderful Granny

Yes, I would have to say I have been in love! In love with the most wonderful family ever!