Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This is so true! I would like to think that if I sat in a church for all my life that you would be able to know it by my actions. I see people who look the part and sit in churches every week but they are estranged from their families etc. That my friend is not God. Whatever happened to endeavoring to keep the unity. Now days it's "you go your way and we'll go ours" I don't believe in that kind of attitude! Let's let God's word change us. Let us be doers of the word and not just hearers only! Some of us need to hear before we can even do! My prayer is for peace, unity, love, joy and guess what WITH GOD THESE THINGS ARE POSSIBLE,but it take humbling ourselves and some are just not willing to do it. Let us evaluate ourselves and ask.... "what am I learning in the house of God" and "What are my actions saying" Are they reflecting his nature???  Just something to think on.