Friday, August 1, 2014

Daystar VBS

Special Prayer time with the kids

This little girl that we were praying for had tears streaming down her face. No doubt the spirit of the Lord was there

Planting seeds

You think Leah could get any closer to her Nannah?

So thankful for the opportunity to share Jesus

They love to sing and their favorite song is "Break every chain"

Emery Kate loved VBS

We had such a great time with our first VBS and BELIEVE that there was seeds planted in the heart of every child. We had 25 kids to come and that was without advertising. We are thankful that we had the opportunity to drop the seeds into the hearts of these precious children and pray that they will spring up as they go through life. The kids were blessed with cotton candy, bouncy houses, snow cones, face painting , crafts , food, drinks, cookies, games but the most important part was worshiping and dedicating their lives to the Lord. We had a prayer line and every child got in it and gave their heart to God. Hoping to do it again next year !  I hope you enjoyed these images. Love to all!