Saturday, May 3, 2014

1 Corinthians 1:10

Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose.
This scripture proves that there is to be unity with God's children. What is your purpose? If you are a Christian then your answer would be Jesus and following him, leading others to him, showing his love. You see we share the same purpose so there should be no divisions among us. All God's children should be able to smile and talk to each other when we see each other out no matter what has happened in the yesterday. Yesterday is dead and gone and tomorrow may never be ours but we have been given today. What a gift. Use it......... Love one another for this is a commandment.... You say I do love them........... don't say it in word and tongue but show it in action and deed. Bless them. Everything you do do it as unto the Lord. Jesus Christ is coming back for his bride. His bride is a mature one. One who is constantly crucifying the flesh, not doing what the flesh wants but living in the spirit. It's easier for the flesh to not walk in unity because the flesh wants to punish but the spirit says LOVE  I choose to love today and forever for God is love. What a joy when we stay in the word and find the peace that passes all understanding. Oh how I love the word of God. I am learning knew things everyday and have come so far in my journey and every single step was designed by my master and creator!  God bless you all!