Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wanted to share what the Lord gave me at 4:30 this morning. I thought it was interesting.

"The church has a platform, not a stage because we are worshippers, not performers however when we walk out the doors to leave, the world becomes our stage to perform what we learned through worship."

I wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget but I remembered it right when I awoke. I thought it was good because God's people are peculiar people and I learned that that word peculiar means to be put on display. We are on display on the stage of life. 

I also wanted to share this. I recently heard a quote that said "You will know a good worship leader by the way they worship when they are not leading and then I thought of this.... You will know a good music minister by the way they minister when there is NO music.  I thought this was all awesome and I want to make sure that my life song sings to HIM and no other. It's one thing to have a lovely voice and be heard but when you take the instrument out into the world and use it for his glory then it becomes all about HIM and not ourselves. 

We have recently been singing in the nursing home because God has opened the door to a great ministry there and in the home there are so many elderly people that come rolling in their wheel chairs just to hear us sing and worship. What a joy it is to sing for them! To see lives being touched and tears being shed. It's not a fancy platform, there is no professional sound equipment, BUT God is in it and it is for his glory and at that moment there is no greater place on earth to be.

I wish I could post pictures but they don't allow it. I do however have some of my Bawpaws pics Yes I said MY bawpaw because he seems like he is mine too :) I hope you enjoy some of the images I captured from his birthday party. If you are reading this, please say a prayer for him and his family.
Love to all!