Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Daystar Christmas Service

These two Moms grew up together. It is neat to see them with their girls who are very close in age :)

They were cheerleaders together.


All the kids upfront participating in the candle light service.

Bro. Lou

Our three beautiful kids!

Love these kids!

Nathan starred as one of the three kings and did an awesome job!

Jason also played one of the three kings. I made all the costumes except for the angels and thought they turned out pretty good. Definitely saving them :)

Quoting their scripture together. For God so loved the world John 3:16

Bro. Nick worked our sound booth

My beautiful aunt Linda

Some of the kiddos

Our beautiful church secretary :)

Blessed to have all three of our kids in service :)

Typical Amber, Kyle and Ryan moment


Sweet Colby

Love these 2! Sis. Rosemary and Bro. Lou

The church gave us a check for Christmas as a gift and this is Ronnie saying thanks. He got weepy :)  Love this man!

Bro. Josh and Sis. Somer are about to get baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus!

Bro. Willie and Sis. Jenny presenting us our gift.

Amber and lovely Emery Kate

The three kings.

Callee plays the angel and Natalie is Mary.

Oh how we love Kaysen! He as the Inn Keeper . Here he is saying "NO! There is no room for you here!"  LOL

Braydon was so excited because his granny got him a shirt, tie and vest. This is one of the things he wanted for Christmas so that he could dress up for church. Doesn't he look nice???

Callee sure made a beautiful angel!

And I knew exactly who would play the part of Mary :)

The three kings worship baby Jesus as Joseph (a.k.a. Austen)watches the camera  LOL
The Inn Keeper and his wife, Kaegan :)

Saying thanks :)

Little Amber and Little Janee


Oh how we love our piano player!

Sis. Vanessa led us in "Silent Night"

Love this picture!
That was picture over load but I wanted to share our Christmas Service with you. It was beautiful and we are looking forward to see what 2014 holds for all the saints at Daystar Praise Center ;)