Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Leah's Visit

We colored

                                                                           We went shopping

We got our nails done
Leah picked this flower for me

We had a tea party

We had a sleepover

Got some "Unckie" time

Went swimming (more than once could not keep her out of the pool)

Wore her cowgirl boots cause she was in TEXAS

Spent time with the cousins

The girls had Austen serve then their tea and he was such a Gentleman too!

They always have a great time together!

      We played board games

One happy little girl and she would have stayed longer but had to get home. They are in the process of packing :)  When they get here Emery will stay more with us but right now Amber is too attached and would not be able to stand the distance since she is still so young. We love our girls and enjoy "blessing" them . God is so good to give us grand babies!!!