Monday, April 8, 2013

Home Sweet Home

These are some of the dishes that I have in my kitchen cabinets. I found the plates at a thrift store and  I ordered the casserole dish from online.

I love having remnants of fabric near my kitchen sink.
It's that time of year again. I love it when the peonies are in season. I try to keep them in the kitchen. They are my very favorite flower. Sometimes I almost think I am obsessed with them :)
This is the shelf above my sink.

Same shelf.

I love my family very much and love to have their pictures all around the house.

One of my very favorite pieces of furniture.
I have lots of different little antique bowls, plates etc. I am always looking for them in this Robin's egg blue color .

I have always loved bunnies!
This is what I call our "Love Wall" ;) This wall has some of our daughter's wedding pics and on the table below has our wedding pics along with a picture of my parents on their wedding day and Ronnie's parents on their wedding day and then also some pics from our 25th wedding anniversary. This is the hall leading to our bedroom. 

Our beauties!
My boys hate this picture of them  haha. They have changed so much since Amber's wedding. I love it and like to look back on the stage that they were in at that time. Such special memories. 

I love these pictures! The frames that they are in were gifts from our 25th anniversary. The love frame was from James and Linda and the Faith Hope Love  one was from Karen and Fred Perry. I will cherish them forever! Also the figurine of the bride and groom was my great grandmother's from her 50th wedding anniversary. This piece was on display at Amber's wedding, My parent's 40 anniversary, and our 25th and will go on to be used at Leah and Emery Kate's wedding as well as Kyle and Ryan's. A very special piece. One day Leah will inherit it. It is her  great, great, great grandmothers. That is priceless!

On top of my dresser is this little bird that is one of my favorite little pieces. I don't even remember where I got it but it makes me happy. You should surround yourself with things that make you smile :)

These family pics are on the fireplace in our bedroom.
I have a fascination with  pearls and a couple of these pieces belonged to my Grandma Wakefield. I try to photograph the girls in them every time I get the chance.
This picture of Ronnie and Leah is one of my all time favorite pics of her and believe me I HAVE TONS!  This one really displays her personality. She is so funny. Her Pap-Paw likes to goof off with her and he told her while she was here that he didn't  like little girls, of course she knew he was teasing her but she responded "Then perhaps you don't love your wife "  I thought it was so witty of her. I am so happy to think that it won;t be long and they will be here full time. Joel has an interview on Thursday for this area. We are so thankful. I love my life and feel so very blessed to be living it. God has been so good to us. Goodnight all, I will post pics from the girls visit soon. God bless you!