Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our lives here on earth are often filled with unexpected twist and turns, trials and pains. These difficult times can either strengthen us or break us; it is all in how we approach them. Every step we take should be secured by our faith and made with the hope of brighter days ahead. Always remember that as we go through life we will learn that the people who were never supposed to let us down probably will. They are only human. In life you will have your heart broken probably more than once and it’s harder every time. You will break hearts too but remember how it felt when yours was broken so that you will be kinder to others. Friends will disappoint you and break your trust. They are only human. You will at some point realize time is passing by to quickly in life. Enjoy life fuller. Forgive a little faster. Don’t allow yourself to stay angry or upset. Cherish every good thing and move on from those that bring you down. Remember that every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness that you will never get back. Don’t be afraid that your life will end be afraid that your new life ahead will never begin. It is often in the darkest of nights that we see the most stars. So no matter how hard life may hit you press on; there is always something new ahead of you it is up to you to pursue it.
My husband posted this on our Daystar Facebook Page and I just love it! I hope it blesses you the way it did me.