Leah loves the pool and would spend all day everyday out there. We try not to let her go out until after 7 because of the heat. She is learning how to swim and is getting closer to getting it down.
She is so excited about having a new Sister. Today Amber and I went and registered at Toys R Us and later we will be going to Storkland and Target to register. We are excited about decorating the baby's room but not sure what we are going to do yet. Amber doesn't want anything cartoonish, she wants it to be very elegant looking. She is finally really starting to get bigger. She is 6 months along and has only gained around 12 pounds. The baby moves all the time but she says that she is not no where near as rowdy as Leah was when she carried her.
I will be taking Amber's maternity portraits soon and will post those as soon as I can :)
Love to all.
"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God"
-Revelation 3:12