Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high minded, exclusive) but readily adjust yourself to (people, things) and give yourselves to humble tasks, Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits.
Romans 12:16
Jesus was an example of this. He was God's MOST anointed, He was the Highest of Priests for he was the Son of God, yet when he was persecuted and crucified, he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" yet us as people, pastors, teachers, leaders, think that we are above being touched or crucified. But we have to remember "What would Jesus do"? We are in a crucified way and we are crucified with Christ, now the question is...... how are we going to act in the situation of Crucifixion when our name has been wounded? Are we going to say Father forgive them? Are we going to practice humility and look beyond the faults and see the needs? Are we going to see them as someone who was maybe having a bad day and in need of prayer and show compassion? I am a big believer in communicating, the Bible tells us to come and let us reason together but sometimes when people are hurt, they can't see past their name. I want to remember that it is all about the Name of Jesus. I have been on both sides of this, I have hurt with my tongue and I have had my feelings hurt and find it hard to forgive.
For those that I have hurt, I am truly sorry, I don't want to have a ministry of hurting people, sometimes we say things that we can't take back and people carry it with them for years. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someones pain like that. I would hope that they could find forgiveness.
And for those who have hurt me, I want to be able to forgive and forget but only by the grace of God can I do so. We are only human and life can get so hard at times, but by faith I choose to forgive and move on to a higher calling of our Lord.
Love and peace to all!