Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Isn't it sad that here on earth there is so much turmoil, this one don't like that one and that one don't like this one and on and on it goes.........and if someone does something for someone that they do like then the other one thinks it was just to get to them when in reality it had nothing to do with them but because of all of their hurts and wounds they take it personal. Isn't it sad that there are so many hurt and wounded people? I feel for the hurt and wounded because I too have been hurt and wounded and it doesn't feel good. Now knowing that it doesn't feel good then please know that I don't want to add to anyone else s pain and wounds from the past, but I have found in life that when you go to help one you may very easily hurt another....... this is unfortunate. Sometimes in life we just have to do what we think is right and pray that people don't take it personal. I pray that my loved ones can forgive and that God would heal the wounds of the past and I know he will if you just let him but it starts with forgiveness. People are people and people make mistakes. It's funny because we make HUGE mistakes and want forgiveness and acceptance but when the other person does it it's "How dare them!" We are all guilty of a past and we are all deserving of second chances........ some people get them and some people don't. I want to do unto others and I know I would want a second, even a third, fourth chance. Since God has been so gracious to give me more chances than I deserve ( and believe me he has) I want to give back by giving others another chance. Please don't hold this against me because I would and will do the same for you, even if you are someone who has offended me or hurt me or even hates me.... I choose to love you unconditionally for love is a choice. You see in the end it doesn't really matter what you think of me or what I do , it only matters to me what my heavenly Father thinks of me. I long to hear him say "well done". What will the Lord say to you on judgement day? You see "to much is given, much is required" and "we can do all things through Christ" we have been given so much good word that we can overcomeFor just once choose to let the past go and forgive those who you feel have wronged you. Ask God to help you love and forgive. I believe it is bondage when we hold on to the past. We have to go onward and upward and we can do it it the name of Jesus! From the bottom of my heart... I love you because Christ loved me! We are blessed people, so now let us give back what has God has given to us which is love, second chances, peace, forgiveness. I don't want to waste my time sitting in a church for all these years and never practice what has been preached. It's time to put the word into action. Let's get out there and live it!  Love you all!