Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 2012

                                                      Our 25th Thanksgiving together :)
        My Sister and her daughter Cheyenne and baby Rylen :)

           Baby Rylen was smothered in kisses all day and I think he was getting pretty tired of it!
                                 Me and my dear ole dad! Him loves me!

                                                                  Our Kyle Boy
                                  Chey Chey loves her baby!
                                    Handsome lil man!

                                   My Mother, my best friend
 My baby boy. He is such a Mama's boy. Goes everywhere with me. Isn't he handsome?

 All of our food was extremely good this year! Probably ate too much and probably gonna hit the gym with Ryan and Kyle tomorrow :)  I love this time of year. I have been dying to decorate for Christmas so I may start on that tomorrow. I hope everyone had as good of a Thanksgiving as we did. I love the life that God has blessed me with. It's a good one!
God bless you all!