Leah is here and we are having a great summer! All the little gal wants to do is swim and she just about has it down. We are so excited to have them here. Her Daddy started his new job and is in the process of looking for a house to buy so in the meantime they are here until things settle down. The baby will definitely be born here and we are happy about that!
I'm about to do Amber's maternity session as soon as we have a cooler day. We have a lot of neat ideas :)
Lots of things are happening around the Blanchard home. We are about to start our kitchen remodel. We are having to wait for the cabinets to come in and then we will get to start it. Also we are planning Leah's Cowgirl party on July 15th and then the very next day we will be taking Matthew and Kyle to Houston so that they can go to Youth Convention and while I am there I will be taking my cousins family photos and then maybe in late August Amber will be getting ready for her baby shower. And then school will be starting and on and on it goes.
Lots of exciting things are going on at Church too. We are having special services on Tuesday nights on Holiness and we have already learned so much. It's a lot of fun because we get to eat together and fellowship.
Leah is excited because she is going to be four and that means that she gets to be a part of EXTREME KIDZ at church on Sundays. They have loads of fun in there :)
Also she will be attending vacation Bible school with the church again this year. I'm so thankful that she is here for all of these activities and thankful to all of my church family who give their time for these kids .
Now on a business note, I'm not doing a lot of photo sessions because of the heat but I am still booking a few weddings. I will resume photoshoots when it cools off and until then I will be enjoying the pool with my Princess Leah I mean my "Cowgirl Leah"
That's all for now folks :) Love to you all!