And this is Cheyenne's photo shoot. She just recently got her braces taken off and I think she looks beautiful! I especially like the second black and white photo because of the light on her hair. I had a video light on her and then off to the right I also had an off camera flash.
Cheyenne and I are very close and she is spending a lot of her Summer over here and so are Paul and Alvin. I love having them around. Having a house full of teens brings life to a home.
Amber and Leah bear will be here soon and will be staying for about a month so that Joel can get settled. We are very excited about that. Leah is so funny about this baby, she doesn't want Amber to lift her shirt because she is afraid the baby will get cold.
She told Amber the other day that she didn't have to share her Nannah and Pap-Paaw because this baby didn't need a Nannah and Pap Paw. She said that the baby will say "That's my Nannah and Pap-Paw and I will say No it's mine and the baby will say Okay" lol
She is so used to being the only one that we are hoping that she will adjust okay. Especially it being a girl :)
After they get here we will be getting ready for Leah's Cowgirl themed birthday party and then a Baby Shower for Amber . We have so many things planned this summer that I don't know how we are going to fit it all in.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as we are ours. God bless you all!